of pleasure due to my participation in sports, musical ativities and dramatics. The theatre has never ceased to attract me, and my fondest recollection of the past are based upon Operettas, shows, shows, or sporting events in which I participated. Dress-up events were always gala occasions, even tho' I was usually a boy. But the leanings were always towards the girls, with their beautiful dresses and petticoats, long "opera length" stockings for the dancers, the make-up, hair-do's, and all of the wonderful world of "make-believe. "
We had a little house out in back, sort of a partial garage, servants room, and shop or play room for me, and it was here that our little neighborhood put on their plays and dressed up, etc. I always seemed to end up in a skirt made of discarded sheet, with some plumes or the like in my hair for effect. My brother was travelling for a women's lingerie company, and always had lots of sample panties and slips, bloomers and all kinds of things, in his sample kit, which I proceeded to borrow or simply lift for my very own. I guess many times when calling on a customer, my brother wondered why he couldn't find that particu lar sample pantie with the bright red lace around the leg. Poor fellow, he never did solve the question of what became of them. Little did he realize that I was wearing the purloined garment. Many times I wore big black bloomers to school on the days I didn't have gym class. I guess my trousers looked pretty full. But the panties were the most fun, since they felt so good, looked devine, and I knew they were exactly the same as all of my favorite girl friends at school were wearing at the time. Once in a great while, one of my girl friends would feel close enough to me to show her pretty panties under her dress, and I would confide in her by showing mine. While fre- quently surprised to find girl's panties on a boy, never- the-less, they usually agreed it was "alright if you like that sort of thing, or " I really don't blame you for wanting to wear pretty panties, like we girls do. " Anyway, it all gladdened my heart and added depth and intense emotion to the very act itself.
I will never forget acquiring my first brassiere. It